ATLANTA Drive Systems, Inc. is pleased to announce the expanded range of Servo Worm Reducers, now offering four levels of precision to meet any application requirements. Building on the popular High-Performance (HP) Servo-Worm Reducer product, Atlanta has added a High-Torque, Economy and Basic version to complete the range.
The High-Torque (HT) version offers 150% the torque capacity of the standard Servo-Worm Reducer, while reducing the backlash level to less than one arc-minute. The output was also redesigned for increased bearing capacity and an option for flanged connections based on ISO 9409.
The Economy (E-Servo) version offers the same torque capacity as the standard Servo-Worm Reducer, with a backlash level of less than six arc-minutes. A simplified housing and assembly allows for significant price savings. The Basic (B-Servo) version offers 90% the torque capacity of the standard Servo-Worm Reducer, with a backlash level of less than twelve arc-minutes.
The four levels of precision available allows a machine designer to select the required reducer precision to meet their needs and their budget. A wide range of motor couplings and mounting flanges are available for the complete reducer range to mount virtually any servo motor and the hollow bore output can be used to mount output shafts, pinion shafts, or other drive elements.
Typical applications for these reducers include rotary axis drives, traveling gantries & columns, and material handling axis drives. Industries served include Material Handling, Automation, Aerospace, Woodworking, Machine Tool and Robotics.
For more information, contact ATLANTA Drive Systems at: (800) 505-1715, or on the web at: